Thursday, July 7, 2011

a stroll down memory lane: how'd that get in there?

Okay, so there are so many memories I have of my college career. But one thing I remember more vividly than others...

The BF and I attended college together - by together I mean we took every single class together for 4 years straight. I know what you're thinking you're both out of your damn minds, right? Well, somehow it just worked for us. Some of our classes we took online, but most were on campus. We would try our hardest every semester not to take early classes, which for us meant any earlier than 11am. Well, unfortunately there were a few semesters that we were forced to take 8am classes (yuck!)

8am classes meant that we had to wake up around 7am (even more yuck!). Now, at 7am the BF and I obviously aren't truly functioning human beings - we're barely conscious! So we would get out of bed, brush our teeth, grab our things, and we'd be out the door. However, I specifically remember one day that I must have been less awake than normal. We started off our day the same as usual, sat down in the classroom with all the other students and waited for class to start. As we were waiting, I reached into my purse to grab a piece of gum for myself and guess what I found and pulled out instead??

My television remote control! Every student was looking at me like I was some weirdo! I was so incredibly embarrassed, but I got over it quickly and everyone just had a good laugh. I told you I was less awake than usual!


  1. Haha! Hilarous! Totally something I would do, (have done!). xoxo

  2. Thank you so much, Katie! :D
    Yes, I have a DeviantArt account:

  3. LOL WHAT the heckkk?! That's awesome.

  4. That´s hilarious!!! This stories are really funny to tel so it worth the moment!!


  5. how did that get into the bag?!! lol
    makes me wonder what else u had in there ;)


  6. Your remote control!? That's awesome, I was totally expecting something else, haha :)

  7. That God it wasnt another battery requiring item! Hey thanks for stopping by and reading :) I look forward to reading more of your stuff!

  8. Hahahahaha!! That totally made me laugh!! I hated early classes, too!!

  9. Oh my god that is just so FUNNY!!! :DDD

  10. Ha, that's me early in the morning! I always hated 8am classes!

  11. Oh gosh. I'm hoping that I won't have to have that many early classes in college.

  12. That's hilarious. I too have a bad habit of of carrying remotes everywhere!

  13. Haha! I had an 8:15 class one semester and would literally roll in unconscious. So rough.
    xo Josie

  14. Ahahaha that is so funny! I am not a morning person as well! I hate taking early morning classes too.

    Check out my new post!
    -The BF Mashup

  15. how funny! I did the same thing several weeks ago. I guess it fell into my purse and I carried it around with me all day at work! Crazy!

  16. OH, my friend did that during our exam time. It was hilarious! :)

  17. Haha, Lord, that sounds like something I would have done!

  18. It's so funny ;)

  19. Haha I love all of these stories! That is soo funny. And definitely something I would do. I love your sense of humor!


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